The easiest approach to crack WAT TEST- Word Association Test in SSB interview.How to tackle Negative words | Do's and Dont's | Complete strategy| Super tricks | Tried and tested tips to do well in WAT test.

What Is Word Association Test [WAT]? Word Association Test (WAT) is the second test in Psychologist test series at Service Selection Boards, this is one of the tests used by test psychologist to read the personality which a candidate possesses. In WAT you will be shown a word and you are required to write a sentence using that word which comes to your mind first. On seeing a word there might be different ideas in your mind related to that word but you must write the first spontaneous reaction in your answer sheet. The Time limit is restricted to 15 Seconds so that candidate is not confused with subsequent thoughts and give his first thought only. No. of Words in WAT - 60 Time of each Word - 15 Seconds • Your are required to complete 60 words, each word will be shown for 15 seconds and within these 15 seconds you have to write your thought in answer sheet provided to you. • Time limit is short (15 secs for each word) to ensure that the candidate gives his first re...