Day-3 Group testing in SSB Interview. What the Group Testing Officer- GTO is looking for? Basis of group Testing.
Group Testing is very important part of SSB Interview process. Group Testing is based on the theory of Gestalt, wherein the Group Testing Officer- GTO looks at the candidates performing in a group, then gradually singles them out and gives a closer look and finally once again observes them perform in the group. There are a total of nine tasks/activities conducted by the GTO. These are divided into three distinct phases as described below. Basic Series In the basic series there are four tasks namely Group Discussion (GD) (two rounds), Group Planning Exercise (GPE), Progressive Group Task (PGT) and the Group Obstacle Race (GOR). All these tasks are group tasks and performance in these is very important. In this series the group goes through three stages of development. The first stage is called the exploration stage. As the candidates are unfamiliar to each other, they explore and try to gauge each other's abilities. This typically happens during the two rounds of the...