Introduction to SSB Interview. Service Selection Board Interview

Defence services namely Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy are one of the finest institutions of our country. These institutions are looked upon by every one of several virtues like disciplin, dedication, commitment, adventure etc. These institution provide a very clean and healthy environment to work and live with a sense of pride and honour. In the yesteryears, only the elite sections of the sociestiescould join the services as an officer and was a matter of prestige to be associated with the armed forces. However, post 90s the lusture of working abroad or working in multinational coompanies and earning huge sums of money diverted the youth to these lusturous jobs and less number aspired to join the armed forces. However, within a span of 2 decades reality has dawned upon our youth and the latest trend is the engineers working in the best companies like TCS, Wipro, Microsoft, Amazon etc. aspire for defence carriers. Thus, the armed forces have stood the test of time.

Highlights of career as an Officers :-

  • As an officer one enjoys great sense of purpose of serving the motherland.
  • Wearing the uniform give a sense of pride and honour.
  • Opportunity to lead a large team at a very young age.
  • Fantastic camaraderie and team work
  • Discilined and orderly lifetyle
  • Best training and education
  • Sports and adventure
  • Work life balance and overall well being
  • Reputation in the society
Entries :-
  • NDA/NA entry
  • Graduate entry scheme
  • TES- Technical Entry Scheme
  • NCC special entry Scheme
  • Women entry Scheme

Selection centres :-
  • Selection centre east, Allahabad- 11 SSB, 14 SSB, 18 SSB, 19 SSB, 34 SSB
  • Selection centre Central, Bhopal- 20 SSB, 21 SSB, 22 SSB
  • Selection Centre South, Bangalore- 17 SSB, 24 SSB

  • No. 1 Airforce Selection Board at Dehradun
  • No. 2 Airforce Selection Board at Mysore
  • No. 3 Airforce Selection Board at Varansi

  • SSB Bhopal
  • SSB Banglore
  • SSB Vishkhapatnam

Testing Schedule :-

Unlike other orgnanisations, the selection process in the armed process is very elaborate and is done over 5 days. The different assesors namely the Interviewing Officer, the Group Testing officer and the Phycologist test the candidate from three diffrent perspectives and arrive at a common decision. Thereafter on the last dayin the board conference they all sit together and disscuss each case to arrive at the final decision. The schedule of testing is described below :-
Reporting Day -  Normally, candidates are made to report in the afternoon and are picked up by the bus from the railway station. On reporting they are given a opening briefing by the GTO covering testing schedule, do's and don'ts etc. After that candidates are asked to fill up a personal information questionnaire (PIQ) form. The PIQ forms the basis of physcological testing and the interview. The importance of this form and how to go about filling this are covered in another article.
Day 1           -        Candidates are put through a screening test which comparise of intelligence tests followed by picture perception and disscussion test (PPDT). Based on the performance on these tests some of the candidates are retained for the stage 2 testing and others are allowed to return home the same day. Hence, qualifing this test is most important.
Click here to know more about Screening Test
Day 2          -         On day 2 candidates screened in on day 1 are put through phycological tests which comparises of Word Association Test (WAT), Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), and Situation Reaction Test (SRT). In addition, the candidates are asked to describe themselves (Self Description). On completion of these tests personal interview will start.
SRT- Situation Reaction Test
Day 3
         -          Candidates go through group testing on day 3 and 4. Candidates are divided into groups of 6 to 10 each depending upon number of candidates screened in. On day 3 Group Disscussion (GD), Group Planning Exercise (GPE), Progressive Group Task (PGT), Group Obstacle Race (GOR), Half Group Task (HGT), and Lecturette are conducted. Insome cases the Individual Obstacles can be conducted on day 3 itself depending upon the weather and engagements of the assesors. On completion of the GTO testing, the Personel Interviews of the remaining candidates are done.
Day 4        -           On day 4, the remaining tasks of the Group Testing like Individual Obstacles, Command Task and Final Group Task are conducted. On completion of group Testing, intervies of the remaining candidates are done.
DAY 5        -         Last day is the conference day where each candidate is called in one by one for the  final look and a final decision is arrived at. The results are announced by afternoon and candidates not recommended are allowed to leave.

Day 6 to Day 10 - Successful candidates are put through medicals in the nearest military hospital and on the average it takes five days to complete. Those who fail in the medicals are allowed to appeal to the nearest military hospital within 45 days.

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