Group Obstacle Race ( GOR )| Snake Race

The Conduct

 This is the fourth task in the GTO test series and the last one in the basic series . In this task the group is made to race against the other groups through a series of six obstacles . The group is also required to carry a load which is a rolled up tent and because it looks like a snake , this task is also referred to as the snake race . The objective of the group is to reach the finish line first and win this race . The obstacles will have four different channels . A maximum of four groups only take part and each group is assigned one channel and asked to remain in that channel throughout . This is a high tempo task and candidates will be thoroughly excited before the start of the race . In this task too , the group is expected to follow certain rules .


( a ) Once the group picks up the snake , the snake should not touch the ground before crossing the finish line .

( b ) The snake is not to be shortened or folded in any manner

( c ) The snake should take the same course as the candidates through the obstacles . It should not be passed from side etc.

( d ) All candidates should be holding the snake when running from one obstacle to the other , and while negotiating the obstacles at least three candidates should always be holding the snake .

 ( e ) The group rule of the PGT is applicable . Even if you cross the obstacle first , wait for others and do not go to the next obstacle . Remember that you have to win as a group and not as an individual . Therefore , help the others or the snake to pass through the obstacles .

( f ) The colour rule is also applicable . Some portions of the obstacle will be painted red . Make sure you do not touch red portions .

 ( g ) The group has to use the channel that has been assigned to them by the GTO .

(h) In case any of the rules is violated the GTO will impose certain penalties.  Penalties can be of two types.  The GTO may ask the group to reverse count from 10 to 1 or from 5 to 1 or he may ask all or some of the group members to repeat the obstacles.  Thus, the group will lose time. 

The First Obstacle

This obstacle is called the single ramp.  The group is required to climb the ramp and jump.  view of this obstacle is provided in picture.

 The Second Obstacle

This obstacle is called the figure of eight.  A view of this obstacle is provided in picture.You are required to make a figure of 8 through this obstacle.  At the time of briefing, the GTO will give a demonstration as to how this obstacle is required to be tackled.  Pay attention and follow instructions accordingly.

The Third Obstacle

This obstacle is called the spider's web.  A view of this obstacle is provided in picture.

 The Fourth Obstacle

This obstacle is called the double wall.  In this obstacle, two walls are connected by a round wooden log.  A view of this obstacle is provided in picture. The group is expected to climb the first wall one by one, walk on the wooden log to reach the second wall and jump down.  In this, the heavier ones must be sent first otherwise there will be no one left to help them.  Lighter candidates can climb up even without help.  In this obstacle you must help each other.  Two candidates must lock their hands to make a bridge.  Other candidates must step on the bridge to climb the wall.  If you have reached the first wall, do not run away to the second one.  Wait and help the candidates by pulling them up.  These aspects are very critically seen by the GTOS.

The Fifth Obstacle

This obstacle is called the single wall.  It is higher than the double wall.  A view of this obstacle is provided in picture. In this, once again, the heavier ones must be sent up first.  At least two of them must stay on top and pull the rest. 

The Sixth Obstacle

This obstacle is called the single ramp or a slide.  This is like a slide that we all have played on in our childhood but is very tall.  A view of this obstacle is provided in picture.  Climbing up will be difficult for many as the steps will be very narrow.  In this, the lighter and fitter candidates must go first and take the snake with them.  The heavier ones can then come slowly.  As such, in this obstacle helping is not passible.  Normally the GTOs through penalties of various kinds as explained earlier will make sure that teams arrive at the finish line more or less together.  Hence, winning is not really important in this task though that is what is stated in the beginning and that is what sets the tempo of the group.

What is Seen through this Activity?

 The most predominant qualities that emerge from the GOR are:-

 (a) Your ability to grasp the rules and conditions of tackling the obstacles.

 b) Your ability to plan and organize the group. 

(C) Your ability to coordinate with the various members of the group. 

(d) You ability to contribute to the group functioning .

(e) Your ability to cooperate and work as a team member

 (f) Your ability to overcome the frustration and difficulties faced during the task

 (g) Are you able to communicate your ideas in  a way that others understand it? 

(h) Do you have adequate urge and enthusiasm for physical tasks? 

(i) Your physical fitness and stamina

(j) Your body - limb coordination

(k) Physical and mental robustness

How to Approach GOR?  Keep the following points in mind. 

(a) Be enthusiastic towards the task.  Show enough eagerness and keep cheering your team members.  (b) If you are slim and fit take the initiative and help other heavier and weaker members through the obstacles. 

(C) Take responsibility for the snake.  Carry the snake through the obstacles. 

(d) Do not be selfish.  Remember that only when your team reaches the finish line first that you can win.  Hence, it is important that you all move as a group.  Therefore, help each other and always think how the team can move faster. 

(e) Do keep cheering the team members, particularly the weaker ones. 

(f) Do not keep looking at the GTO. 

(g) Do not touch the red color and do not change the channel. 

(h) Make sure at least three members are holding the snake throughout.  Do not drop the snake on to the ground. 

(i) In case your group has violated any rule, admit and if the GTO asks some of you to repeat the obstacle, take the initiative.





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